My son is 15 months old. 15 and a half, if you want to be picky about it… sheesh. How did this happen?
I have to make a confession. I <3 storybooks. I mean, seriously. It’s impossible to miss the fact that I am a little obsessed. So what gives? If I believe in this work, why am I not giving it to my family? To my son? To myself?
Here’s the thing. My photographer, apparently, has not prioritized my story. And these beautiful, joyous moments are just hanging out in the digital abyss—waiting to be realized.

Draft of a spread in Emmett’s newborn storybook that has been hanging out on my computer for over a year now…
Isn’t that just the way… Being left alone with thousands of your own images and attempting to compose your story retrospectively is overwhelming. Here I am—an obsessed professional photographer with all the tools and all the pictures ready to go—and nothing to show for it. This work is not a walk in the park. This is challenging! Which is why I have made it my mission to help my clients get it done with as little pain, procrastination, and regret as possible.
Life continues to teach me and now, through this experience, I know acutely the importance of this work. We need these stories to make us whole.

Apparently I just keep adding them. It’s getting a bit comical to be honest.
I need this. Things change so incredibly fast. Already, details that seemed impossible to forget are slipping away. I need record of the dramatic change that has happened in our family over the past 2 years, and all the subtle changes along the way.
And my son needs this. Particularly as an adopted child it’s vital that he grow up knowing he has been part of this story always. It’s vital that he sees how much he means to us, and also to the many other people that are linked to him in this life.
Since I don’t have accountability to my photographer to design these things (because, seriously, who can count on themselves for accountability?) I’ve had half-finished books languishing in my computer since the very start. I have made sure to hire a photographer to come out and capture us as a family, and of course I’ve been capturing some of the in between moments in my own way. I have butterflies and goosebumps just thinking about it—I’m so excited to see them come together! So why is it so hard to follow through?
I’m turning to all of you for help. Will you hold me accountable to seeing and realizing my own joy?
That’s why we are here together in the first place, right? Because we all get that this work is of great importance.
Thank you for caring, and for joining my revolution.
Thank you for being part of my tribe.
Thank you for being my friend.
I can’t wait to show you the books I create for my own family.
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