by Serra | Jun 19, 2019 | Photographic Story, Serra's Family Story, Tips & Advice |
There’s a possibility that is near and dear to my heart that I want to share… May I tell you a personal story? I have a master’s degree in documentary video. When I was in school, I was PAINFULLY shy. I was the type of student who would agonize for 10 minutes...
by Serra | May 6, 2019 | Kids & Family, Serra's Family Story |
Mother’s day has so much baggage associated with it, amiright? I ran a google search for things to thank moms for, and at the top of the list was the old “She gave birth to you.” and “She gave you her eye color.” Maybe? I...
by Serra | Aug 19, 2017 | Photographic Story, Tips & Advice |
When you are making your plans for Monday’s eclipse, remember that there will be thousands of images made of the sun. You will be able to see stunning images of the corona, and the “diamond”, and all that jazz. People will composite gorgeous images...
by Serra | Jul 24, 2017 | Photographic Story, Serra's Family Story |
Emmett won a deck of Crazy Eights at the Troutdale Summerfest yesterday. Eastside Timbers brought a portable goal and all kinds of prizes and they were giving kids the opportunity to win a prize of their choice by making a goal. So today, he is super excited about...
by Serra | Jul 21, 2017 | Photographic Story, Serra's Family Story |
3 weeks after deciding to care about his “red two-wheeler” Emmett is off to the races, gliding and balancing like a pro. Combining water and bike riding has been a big hit. I watching him learn, and I can’t believe how quickly he can gain...
by Serra | Jun 7, 2017 | Baby, Family, Kids & Family, Maternity & Baby, Photographic Story, Portraits |
The funny thing about babies is that they kind of experience each season for the first time multiple times. For example, my son’s first summer he was 6-9 months old. He was sitting in the grass and trying to learn to crawl. He was putting every wood chip, pine...
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