There seems to be some lack of clarity about what makes a toddler.
I used to say, “Well, when they can walk they are a toddler.” Then I had my own and that didn’t seem quite right… Maybe when they can talk is when they become a toddler? But that isn’t so clear, either…
I think the problem is that toddler is a transitional phase. At this age, these little people are at once still babies and growing up into kids. One second they want you to hold their hand, and the next second they want to do it themselves.
I think this is one of the reasons I love playing with toddlers. It isn’t that I dislike babies or kids, but when they are babies I miss the capability of kids, and when they are kids those moments of being their one and only get fewer and further between. And how beautiful is the moment when you see one transition into the other?