I did the last of my Valentine’s Day free sweetheart sessions yesterday.  Why so late?  We originally had this session scheduled for mid February, but it was a crazy rainstorm that weekend and we all really wanted to do the session outside at McMenamin’s Edgefield.  The campus there is so beautifully landscaped, and they’ve done it in such a way that it stays interesting all year round.  Even when the leaves have fallen from most of the trees and bushes, the colors of the tree trunks and twigs are diverse and rich.  I also like the fact that they are happy to have you shoot pictures all over the campus including in and around the buildings.  It’s a great resource for location photography in the Portland-Gresham-Troutdale area.

Last couple of the Valentine season at McMenamin's Edgefield in Troutdale, Oregon

Last couple of the Valentine season at McMenamin's Edgefield

I love photos that look like a glimpse into everyday life

I love photos that look like a glimpse into everyday life

Sometimes the shots in between are the best ones!

Sometimes the shots in between are the best ones!

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