I hosted the first ever “Social media headshot day” in my NE Portland studio yesterday afternoon. I’ve noticed that your picture says a lot to someone who doesn’t yet know you on social media, and that many of us have posted pictures that are sorely lacking in a number of ways. In fact, I was so passionate that I wrote this blog post about the phenomenon last year. Writing that article inspired me to get my own professional headshot, which I have gotten so much use out of and so many compliments on! So I decided to pay it forward…
I had local businesspeople sign up every half hour between 2:30pm and 7:30pm to come get a quick professional photo for use on their linkedIn, facebook, etc. In the end, I did 7 headshots in that time frame, and improved the confidence and image of these local business people while simultaneously making new friends.
The people who came through my studio yesterday were amazing. It was my pleasure to get to know each of them a bit better, and help them make better first impressions through a clear, well lit, well composed online image. Each and every person walked into the studio, as you might expect, with some insecurity and uncertainty. Each time, they left relieved at how easy it had been and how well the image came out. I am so happy with the results, both the images and the happy people leaving the studio. What a great experience!
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