It’s easy to get stuck in a rut as a photographer, which is why I adore story. Without the individual stories of my clients, my work suffers immensely. Last time I did a maternity session my mom-to-be ended up in a tree! This lovely mama told me that she had been an avid runner and yogi before getting pregnant, but hadn’t been able to continue with as much zeel throughout the pregnancy.
She expressed a little confusion about what her story was at this time in her life with so much change in process (which, I might add, is completely normal!). Because the most prominent thing I had heard from her in our pre-session consultation was how important these activities had been in her life before pregnancy, we agreed to incorporate the theme into this maternity session. This is the starting point. Her photographic journey will begin here, and we will have to wait and see where it goes next!
This was one of my absolute favorite captures from the afternoon. Isn’t it funny, it was just an in-between shot that I didn’t put too much thought into constructing. Sometimes they are the best, because the true person comes through in between shots.
Later, we made our way up to the park and rested under a gorgeous tree. Although I did a little directing to get this pose, I love the emotion that comes through in this shot. This mama is getting ready for the change that is coming, and I can hardly wait to meet the little one!
Getting to know people and help them record their story as art is the best thing about my job. Thanks for helping me explore new locations and for sharing your story with me.
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