by Serra | Jul 23, 2014 | Head Shots, Local Community, Portraits, Senior & Headshot, Tips & Advice |
People often ask me “Why do I need a professional headshot? Isn’t it kind of fake? Wouldn’t it be better to show the real me?” This is a complicated question to answer. First — YES! Of course it is best to show the real you! But...
by Serra | Jul 2, 2014 | Head Shots, Portraits, Tips & Advice |
I’ve been thinking a fair amount about head shots lately. Since adding my “Story-Based Head Shot” service officially to my website, I have started to notice just how much head shots are underestimated by business people. Today I ran into something...
by Serra | Oct 3, 2012 | Event, Head Shots, Portraits, Senior & Headshot, Wedding & Event |
I was honored to be invited to capture memories at writing and career coach Dawn Rasmussen’s pre-release party for her brand new book Forget Job Security: Build Your Marketability! A true professional, Dawn shined throughout the event. Here is one of my...
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